Resolve And Prevent Your Own Stress And Emotional Pain
Dr. Susanne Cohen
Resolve And Prevent Your Own Stress and Emotional Pain
Create Your Best Life
It's time to put the power and control over your life's happiness into your own hands - FAST!
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT OUR POWERFUL ENDORSEMENTS AND TESTIMONIALS BELOW (Psychologist, Other Mental Health and Grief Experts, and More...)
Have You Suffered From...
Sexual assault
Child abuse
Domestic violence
- Negative self-talk
Anger issues
Feelings of hopelessness
Thoughts of suicide
Communication issues
Relationship challenges
Employee problems
Like life is too hard
Like you're not good enough
Like you're not enough
Like other people are always pushing your buttons
It's Time to Take Back the Power Over Your Own Happiness and Success in Life
The only universal, self-guided, online video program that can put you in control - IN LITERALLY HOURS
- It quickly guides you to the root cause of your stress and emotional suffering, wherever it may come from.
- It then provides a step-by-step process that allows you to take control and shift out of the pain, at any given moment.
RESOLVE your stress from past and current negativity, traumas and relationships - IN JUST HOURS
PREVENT additional stress, emotional pain and suffering into the future
CREATE a better life and future for yourself, your family, your business and our society
Power Thinking Can Help Prevent Many of Our Society's Greatest Challenges:
- Childhood trauma
- Anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Cycles of abuse
- Substance abuse
- Discrimination
- Sexual Assault
- Gun violence
- Suicide
Thinking impacts literally every aspect of our lives.
Use the blue arrows below (to the right and left of the endorsements)
to scroll through these amazing evaluations.
Dr. Conor Hogan
Neuro-Socio Psychologist with a Specialty in Neuroscience and Peak Performance
“Power Thinking is a brilliant, comprehensive, science-based program that guides people to change their fundamental thinking in the best possible way - from negative to positive, failure to success, and self-sabotage to productivity. I fully endorse and recommend Power Thinking. I’m unaware of any other program as wide ranging that provides all of these core benefits. It’s a huge breakthrough in this area and is skillfully presented by its creator, Dr. Susanne Cohen. From the perspective of group dynamics and peak performance, I expect any organization that implements the fuIl program to experience immediate benefits as well as ongoing improvements as employees continue to practice and utilize these core skills. ln my professional opinion, it will positively impact all other skill development in a foundational way, like communication, resilience and teamwork.
I truly believe that Power Thinking will have an even bigger impact on many of our societal issues because the root cause of these challenges lies in people’s thinking.”
Maria Miskovic
Mental Health Practitioner (Social Worker and Case Manager)
Re: Suicide Prevention
“Power Thinking is a preventative measure that the sooner you can start it, the better. I think that it has the opportunity to impact people who are leading up to a suicide path where their ideations are so overwhelming that they feel like that's their only solution. With a program like Power Thinking, you start to rewire yourself and you start to think about scenarios differently and emotionally. You're able to develop different coping skills that a lot of people who are suicidal or chronically depressed or chronically anxious, Power thinking itself is really the way to prevent the demise of those illnesses.”
Chris Mayfield
Leadership Development Expert
“So, leadership is what takes us from where we are, to where we want to be. The biggest challenge to excellent leadership that I’ve experienced over my 20 years is that people don’t understand fully what it means to be a leader. And then if we dissect that even just a little bit, what activities or behaviors are exemplified by great leaders? I’ve seen lots and lots of products that say, “improve your decision making” or “manage your time better” or “improve your emotional intelligence.” But none of them go to the root cause of why we behave the way we behave, and they almost never give you the ability or the tools to modify that or change that course. So, what we end up is, we end up in the same cycle.
So, Power Thinking, in my opinion, is a skill that every leader must have. You must have the ability to stop, add order to the chaos. Think through your problems, apply context to your current situation and what you already know in order to make the best possible decision that you can. And unless each and every employee has that critical skill, thinking about why they’re reacting the way they are, then it just makes things harder. And there’s enough pain in our lives without making things harder than it needs to be. So stop, get that Power Thinking skill and start moving forward with less struggle and less chaos. It’s just that simple.”
Barbara Rubel
Renowned Complicated Grief and Resilience Expert
“I have reviewed Conscious Activation’s Power Thinking Program and I highly recommend it. I believe it can be successful in helping people who are mentally stuck or suffering from the negative burdens they carry around from past and present challenges and traumatic events. The Program provides a step-by-step process that allows people to shift their bad thinking habits to good habit through a science-based approach. I was pleased that Dr. Susanne took a very complex, scientific subject and transformed it into an easy to understand and easy to watch video format. I believe people will feel very supported by her program and the process she walks you through. I was very impressed that the program is grounded in science and uses evidence-based techniques. I recommend that clinicians, support group facilitators, and grief coaches, consider using Dr. Susanne’s Power Thinking Program in their work with bereaved clients struggling with prolonged and intense feelings like self- blame, guilt, and avoidance of triggers, to increase their sense of control.
Dr. Susanne’s commitment to contributing to people’s lives in a significant and affordable way is inspiring.”
Monica Brown Robinson
Human Resources and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professional
“As an HR, DEI and Career Development professional, I have reviewed, endorsed, and recommend, the Conscious Activation Power Thinking Program. It provides a strong foundation for individual employee development as well as a strong and positive corporate culture. Power Thinking is a gift to each employee, personally. It provides them with the tools they need to get to the next level. It helps employees understand themselves better – how and why they communicate and react the way they do – and teaches a process to resolve the stress, negativity and conflicts that often get in the way of their productivity and relationships at work. It prepares them for deeper conversations, so they don’t get triggered when more difficult issues arise. The program provides actionable steps they can take that can be measured and will drive positive change. These tools help them deal with difficult situations and allow for non-threatening cultural and company exploration. With respect to DEI, unlike other programs, Power Thinking is non-threatening and helps mitigate the harshness of reality and history, so they can become part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
I highly recommend Power Thinking for any company that is committed to improving the quality of their corporate culture and the optimism and effectiveness of its employees. If you are looking for value and results that motivate your workforce, I suggest you implement the Power Thinking Program in your company.”
Tamara Salem
Nurse and Office Manager of Functional Medicine Practice
Re: Personal Experience with Child Abuse and Sexual Assault
“Prior to Power Thinking I would say the level of suffering I carried around with me every day was probably a ten out of ten. At fifteen years old I was actually put out of my house with my parents because I didn’t want to convert in religion but I ended up getting raped unfortunately. Because of what’s happened to me in my past, there's been times where I’ve gotten to that point where I’m like, “What’s the point?” I’ve tried in the past, you know, tried therapies, and different behavioral therapies and different strategies in a sense to kind of help me through it. But nothing ever really stuck. Nothing really ever got me over the hump. Instead, it was just reliving the nightmare over and over again. Power Thinking actually really, it gave me the ability to talk about it and learn from it and forgive myself for it. Be able to actually move past it. It did actually help me get to a point where I could trust again. Have meaningful relationships, friendships. Being able to trust people again was my biggest thing. I feel like I was just empowered and had this power that I never knew I could have. When you’re able to get over the past and actually come out stronger, you can tell your story of your past and it doesn’t drum up your tears to the point where you just can’t go on, you’re healed from it.
If I could rate the Power Thinking Program, I think 1 out of 10 doesn’t give it justice. I would say 100. But since we’re gonna stay at a 1-10, I would say Power Thinking is, 100%, a 10 for me. Yeah, it’s amazing. Cause my son made a comment about the calm version of me, and how much it angers him, which I think is kind of funny. He's like, “That’s who I want. I want fired up Mom. I don’t want calm Mom anymore.” I see my old habits, some of my old habits, coming out in him. There are some things we need to work on with him as well too. So, I think 100% he’ll be taking this program too when he’s old enough, for sure.”
Dr. Michaela Turner (Voicemail message to Dr. Susanne Cohen)
"It’s Michaela Turner calling. I wanted to tell you how powerful your Conscious Activation is. Holy Cow! The impact that just asking those questions and listening to those videos have. It’s gotten me going in a different direction. You know, it sounds so simple, but in our minds it can get so complicated.
So I just wanted to tell you how powerful it is. It’s making such a profound difference. Thank you so much. Dr. Michaela Turner.”
Jason Palamara
20-Year Veteran NYPD Officer
“I was blown away by Conscious Activation’s Power Thinking Program. As a veteran NYPD officer for over 20 years, I wish I had the advantage of Power Thinking when I was a rookie. It would have transformed my world and prevented so much of the stress and challenges that came along with the job. I have since built a career post NYPD, doing my part to stop Veteran and First Responder suicide. I wholeheartedly believe it is possible, especially with the help of Dr. Cohen’s Program. Based upon my personal experiences as well as working with many challenged first responders, I truly believe Power Thinking is the answer to relieving the negativity and conflicts that plague police departments and officers, which will have a direct, positive impact on the people and communities they serve. It will certainly help shift challenging situations in a more positive and productive way. It has been said that hurt people, hurt people. It is also my belief that hurt people hurt themselves when they feel there is no other alternative. In many ways, the stress and challenges run deep in our lives today. This program is invaluable for every human being that wants to live a happier and more fulfilled life. I have navigated my own struggles through my years spent in the Navy and in the NYPD. As I look back on my career, I can’t help but to imagine that if a program like this was part of every officer’s basic training and every employer’s hiring process, and if every student had access to these fundamental thinking skills as they grew up, that our world would be in a much better place than it is today.
In my opinion, Power Thinking will have a profound and positive impact on our society. It’s just like Wayne Dyer said, “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.” I ask that you don’t believe me and experience this amazing program for yourself.”
Coach Elvin McFarlin
Veteran, Founder and Executive Director of Honor 2 Our Heroes, President and Head Coach St. Louis. Express Track
Re: Racism
“In my recent pursuit for answers to COVID-19, racism and George Floyd, among the myriad of horrors I was struggling with, I discovered and completed an online course called “Power Thinking Program.” While a thinking program may sound strange, it provided me with so many insights and beneficial tools. The interesting part of my discovery is that I wasn’t even aware that I needed this information, nor that such tools existed. The program was different than I anticipated. It provided so much more than I could ever have imagined. Its benefits are so numerous, it is impossible to list them all here. If you ask me for one Word to summarize the program benefit, it is SELF-CONTROL. Although the program is universal in application, because each of us travel a different journey, its benefits are individual. The program is essential to our Need to understand how we Think. How we think is directly related to how we act and/or react in every situation in our lives. The most important component of the program for me, is understanding how I think, which is necessary to develop the tools I need to take control of how I act and react, most of the time. When we think of our lives, and what goes on in the world around us, it is easy to understand the importance of being in control of our emotions and our actions. You have probably heard the platitude, “to make the world a better place”; which should be the goal of us all. The song title of these lyrics is “We Are the World", (WE -the people.) I think the majority of people, aspire to make the world a better place. However, when real life happens, we lose our way. I discovered from the Power Thinking Program that 95% of the time, most of us live in reaction mode. What if you could control your actions and/or reactions, most of the time? Well, after completing the Program, I am able to do just that, the majority of the time. I have read books, heard lectures and attended a lot of self-help seminars and courses, most providing me the WHAT I want to achieve. The Thinking Program provided me with the HOW; to take control of my life, my emotions, my interactions with the people around me, and how to command my responses. For the past 45 plus years I have taught in classrooms and coached youth athletics, with the goal of teaching children how to think, how to become positive and productive adults. Little did I know, how little I knew about Thinking, and the influence it has had on my life's decisions, and outcomes. After the Program, I am now certain I have the tools to control my thinking, and perhaps a greater understanding of what it takes to “make the world a better place”. It has also made a huge, positive difference in my relationship with my wife. She’s thankful for the new communication and listening skills that make things so much better. This program is relevant to the needs of so many suffering through our current crises. I absolutely believe it will do the same for anyone willing to put in the work and take the course. If you want to take control of your life, your happiness, your destiny, you must understand how you think. Life is a day-by-day work in progress, and though we call it something different, we are all in search of Peace, the space, the place, the time, we feel our lives are in Control. In order to secure that Command, it is essential to understand how you Think.
In order to understand how you think and the steps necessary to make a true change in your life, you must complete the Power Thinking Program. I believe it is the solution to systemic racism and the critical race theory debate. It has been a Godsend to me, and I believe it is going to change the world. There is nothing else like it. Stay Safe! God bless!!”
Jonathan Jones
Vistage (CEO Coaching Organization) Chair
"Dr. Cohen’s program lays a solid, positive foundation for anyone interested in achieving better results in their leadership, career, family and academic settings. It is the essential core to learning lasting, respectful and productive relationships. If these very human tools are implemented, they can bring about amazing and lasting results in teams and groups that utilize these concepts together. Productivity, engagement, happiness and fulfillment can be as simple as changing some of our factory default settings.”
Tessa Greenspan
Founder, Farmer’s Market
"After taking this program, the results were so powerful in transforming my thought processes. I experienced a mindset change that I never dreamed was possible. This is not the typical status quo leadership training; these are concrete methods for real change that are unique and different than any of the other programs I’ve attended. Lots of real-life takeaways that can have a ripple effect on an organization, family, or community. I love this program!”
Laura Jones
President/CEO, Clean Energy Company; Women Presidents’ Organization Chair
"This powerful program is a must see for all leaders, management, and anyone wanting a more fulfilled career and life. The concepts and paradigm shifts from these processes are priceless and immediately useful in building powerful communication, collaborative teams, and a healthy culture. The value of this program—if practiced and executed—will make a difference in your organization immediately.”
Dr. Gene Clark
Retired Dentist
"I love the Power Thinking Program. I’ve always been committed to learning and growing throughout my life and have been exposed to many other programs. This one is different and the best I’ve ever experienced. Our country needs this! It should be a required course for every high school and college student so they can get a better and stronger start in life.”
Michael Park
Business Owner
"Dr. Cohen’s program is powerful. It’s a true solution that will change lives and help a lot of people. Most people go through life and never discover what drives them. Power Thinking helps you find out and then shows you how to shift your thinking so you can change it."
Rachel Madison
Writer and Editor
"The Conscious Activation Power Thinking Program is a must for anyone looking to change their life for the better. Dr. Cohen breaks down a variety of common business/life scenarios and provides tips on how to get through those experiences with a positive attitude."
Bryon Robidoux
"Dr. Susanne Cohen has been my career coach for many years and her Power Thinking Program has transformed my ability to interact with people and to be more empathetic towards their point of view. She has been an invaluable person in my life.”
Chuck Watson
Business Owner
"I have always been committed to self-improvement and have read a lot of books on leadership. But I have never been given such detailed action steps that I can take to change how I think and react as I was in Dr. Cohen’s program. I feel like I really have control over my success in life. In addition to making a significant difference in how I manage my business, it has transformed how I communicate with my children. What a powerful experience.”
Life Choice Radio
It’s time to support, protect and nurture yourself like never before.
How big a problem is stress in our world today?
Stress is one of the biggest problems we have, individually and as a society.
Within the last year, the American Psychological Association has reported that 27% of U.S. adults are so stressed they can't function and 76% said they have experienced health impacts due to stress in the prior month.
Stress impacts every relationship and situation we have in our lives, both at home and at work.
How much does thinking impact our level of stress?
Thinking is at the very core of the stress we experience.
A thought comes first, which then leads to the emotions we feel and the actions we take.
Yet science has proven that people have absolutely no conscious control over their own thinking at least 95% of the time, on average.
Most stress is caused by our subconscious, which was basically prewired for us, by other people, when we were just young children.
We're simply reacting most of the time.
When your thinking skills are weak, you become vulnerable to many negative outside forces and individuals.
When you develop strong, conscious thinking skills, you can create a shield of protection to help you weather any storm that comes your way.
Power Thinking provides those fundamental skills you need to take back power and control over your own thoughts, emotions, reactions and level of stress you experience. So you can consciously design a future you truly want.
Does stress impact corporations and other organizations as well?
Stress is a "people problem" which impacts every aspect of their lives.
Companies are, in fact, made up of people.
Lynn Bufka of the American Psychological Association said, 'It’s not about one person being so stressed they can’t function. It means workplaces aren’t functioning as well, students aren’t learning as well. This type of widespread underperformance as a result of our stress only adds to our stress level, creating a vicious cycle that’s very hard to break.”
Power Thinking provides the platform for a team of employees to gain greater conscious control and develop or strengthen other key skills.
The combination can be powerful in supporting growth of each individual while at the same time promoting optimal teamwork and organizational culture.
We can't wait to connect and grow with you!